You should have noticed a flash-based music player in the top left of your browser window when viewing this site. I’ve been rather clever with this, in that it will remember where the music had got up to when pausing and resuming playback. Also of note, is that if you click the pause button a cookie will be saved that tells the player NOT to start playback on the next page reload.
Rolling Stones song I see an iMac and I want it painted black, No colours anymore I want them to turn black. It’s not a real computer, you have to face the facts. When you’re on a Macintosh, your soul has turned to black.
It has been common usage to utilise the isset() function to determine if a variable in PHP has a value. This is as opposed to checking the contents are not NULL or the empty string: "". I had utilised this facility thoroughly in the CRIMP code-base (available on source-forge under the same name), and was wondering why a certain scenario wasn’t being handled as I expected. Now, I knew I could work around the issue, but I felt I needed to find out what the actual cause was.
NOTE: this is a repost, the original post has disappeared.
As Bender the robot from Futurama would say: OH.. YOUR.. GOD!! I found links to MP3s of popcorn!!
For those of you that have never heard of popcorn, listen up.. Originally composed by one Gershon Kingsley, popcorn is one of the all-time greats. This track is instantly recognisable, and has been covered umpteen times. I found a site with 79 different cover versions of this Popcorn music track.