
Ubuntu 10.04 on XenServer 5.6

Updated on 2021-02-13

These instructions are taken from here and updated and formatted a bit by me. They assume that you are installing the server version of Ubuntu 10.04 and the release version of Citrix XenServer 5.6.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 onto XenServer 5.6

  1. Create a VM First create a VM in XenCenter using the other install media template.
  2. Install Ubuntu Install ubuntu to your liking and reboot into the new system.
  3. Get GeTTY running on hvc0 Tell getty to display on hvc0 (This does do the trick of getting a display on the console, but I am still unable to login or get any key-presses to work at all. I have to login via ssh to manage the system.)
    sudo cp /etc/init/tty1.conf /etc/init/hvc0.conf
  4. Edit it to replace “tty1” with “hvc0” sudo nano -w /etc/init/hvc0
  5. Create a link in /boot to itself sudo ln -s . /boot/boot
  6. Install openssh-server sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  7. Shutdown the VM
  8. Retrieve the UUID for the VM Assuming your VM is named “ubuntu10”
    xe vm-list name-label=ubuntu10 params=uuid
  9. Retrieve the VBD UUID This is the UUID for the storage attached to the VM
    xe vm-disk-list uuid=<UUID-from-step8>
  10. Clear out the HVM boot policy xe vm-param-set uuid=<UUID-from-step8> HVM-boot-policy=
  11. Set the PV bootloader to pygrub xe vm-param-set uuid=<UUID-from-step8> PV-bootloader=pygrub
  12. Lastly, set the VBD for the VM to be bootable xe vbd-param-set uuid=<VBD UUID-from-step9> bootable=true
  13. Start the VM and login If your console fails to appear, try connecting to the VM using SSH. If you missed the step about getting GeTTY to output to hvc0, the login prompt will never appear.
  14. Attach the xs-tools.iso to the VM and mount the imagesudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /mnt
  15. Install the XenServer tools Make sure you use the proper file for your architecture (amd64 or i386). A quick “ls” will confirm the version of the utilities in your xs-tools.iso. File names may (will) differ.
    sudo dpkg -i /mnt/Linux/xe-guest-utilities_5.5.901-562_i386.deb
  16. Unmount the iso image and then detach it in XenCenter sudo umount /mnt
  17. Reboot the VM

You are now up and running. Update the system. The original author reports issues like XenCenter not displaying the NIC IP and no performance data.

Lucy is a prominent member of the WordPress, Ubuntu, WSL, and Snapcraft communities. She currently sits on the Ubuntu Membership Board and is a former Microsoft MVP.
Lucy is a prominent member of the WordPress, Ubuntu, WSL, and Snapcraft communities. She currently sits on the Ubuntu Membership Board and is a former Microsoft MVP.