

Updated on 2021-02-13

…Need I say any more than that?

It has emerged that she’s in the process of adopting another Malawian child. Reports from both the Malawi and US officials state that an adoption procedure has been entered into. It is already three years since she adopted 13-month old David Banda from the orphanage that his father, Yohane Banda, placed him after David’s mother died. Madonna’s adoption of baby David was claimed at the time to be illegal with the Malawi government accused of breaking the adoption rules which prevented non-residents from adopting in the country.

Yohane is excited that he might be able to see his son next week, as Madonna is scheduled to visit the country bringing David along on the trip. The official purpose of the trip is to raise awareness of the “Raising Malawi” charity which Madonna founded. She will be visiting the site of a new multi-million dollar girls' school.

It’s said that Madonna might be in for more of a battle this time around, as she is now a single parent and, according to child rights activist John Soo Phiri: “She will have to prove that as a single parent she still has the abilities to raise another child alone.”

In my view, she does have a point in showing the west about the misery in Malawi; but to take a child so far away from it’s home when they still have a family seems a bit wrong to me [speaking about David]. I don’t understand how she can be fast-tracked, either, when other people who are adopting spend years going through the vetting process. If they don’t turn her down this time, they will have to explain why secure families are turned away yet a single parent (with pots of money) can be allowed [to adopt].

Lucy is a prominent member of the WordPress, Ubuntu, WSL, and Snapcraft communities. She currently sits on the Ubuntu Membership Board and is a former Microsoft MVP.
Lucy is a prominent member of the WordPress, Ubuntu, WSL, and Snapcraft communities. She currently sits on the Ubuntu Membership Board and is a former Microsoft MVP.